


    中国商务部近日宣布计划全面开放中国租赁市场,并且允许国外投资者建立独资公司。早在2003年,商务部就允许外国投资人开展一般的租赁服务业务,现在北京租赁协会也关注着融资租赁领域。美国的两家租赁业巨头,GE和卡特比勒已经获得在中国建立独资租赁公司的许可,这为其他有此打算的外资公司探明了道路,这些外资公司包括银行、租赁公司、制造商等。2005年,中国租赁业将有至少45家外资租赁公司投入运营。虽然中国租赁业的对外政策在逐步开放,但是法律法规上的阻力仍然存在,以至全国范围内的争论不断升级。业内专家 沙泉先生说:“中国的立法者们倾向于对签发许可保持审慎的态度,即便在行业对融资租赁公司完全开放后也是如此。”

"China to Completely Open Leasing Industry"
SinoCast China Financial Watch (01/13/05)

China's Ministry of Commerce has recently announced its intention to completely open up the nation's leasing industry to allow foreign investors to establish wholly owned companies there. The ministry had begun to allow foreign investors to start general leasing services there as early as 2003, and now the Beijing Leasing Association is looking into the area of financial leasing. Two U.S. leasing giants, General Electric and Caterpillar, have already won approval to open wholly owned leasing operations in China, paving the way for other foreign companies, including banks, leasing firms, and manufacturers, to do the same. In 2005, China's leasing industry is expected to have over 45 foreign-invested leasing companies in operation. Despite the increasingly open policies toward foreign investment in the Chinese leasing industry, some regulatory hurdles remain, raising continuing debates throughout the country. Industry expert Sha Quan says Chinese regulators are likely to remain cautious with their license approvals, even after the industry opens up to financial leasing firms.